Ficklampa och USB-laddare i ett


Erik: Läste om denna lilla pryl som jag vill ge lite rampljus för bra idé. En ficklampa har du alltid och aldrig, du vet egentligen aldrig, behov av och mobilen laddas alltid ur. En kombinerad ficklampa och USB-laddare är en genialisk idé.

Lästips hämtat från Mashable.


From emergencies and blackouts to sleepovers and camping, flashlights are useful in a variety of scenarios. Now, smartphone-charger can be added to that list. It’s an unexpected benefit of ChargeLight, a rechargeable, dockable and portable LED flashlight that doubles as a battery pack for any USB device.

The device’s creators claim that it charges “just about anything,” including smartphones, tablets, cameras and music players.

“We know how easy it is to forget to charge your devices, so we made a beautiful and convenient dock that acts as one central hub to ensure you stay charged at all times,” they say on ChargeLight’s Kickstarter page. Read more…More about Smartphone, Flashlight, Battery Charger, Tech, and Gadgets

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