Lovely visit to Tyringe


This time a write in English so that my brothers family in England can read the post. I have finally managed to get my ass of the couch and gone through a couple of photos from the trip to Tyringe a week ago. We drove down there to meet up with the family and to see Jesper, Polly and little Harry who came all the way from seaside Cornwall downtown England. It was an absolute terrific time, the weather was great and we like ate and laughed most of the time. Harry showed his hidden talent as main chef playing in Alice’s plastic kitchen. He will definitely end up working with cooking food when he grows up.

We also met up with Nina & Sven and their children, and onion-hater Fredrick. After a bit of discussion we all met had a bit of food before ending up at Lursjön for an afternoon in the sun. Lovely. If Rob hadn’t forgotten the brännboll-stuff (burning ball?) we would have had a family fight chasing tennisballs all over the Lursjön area, I’d guess.

Here are a few photos that I have selected out, you can find more here:



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