Ny träningsapp på gång – Fitbit Coach

Ny träningsapp på gång – Fitbit Coach


Har du en Fitbit, eller tänker köpa en inom närtid, så kommer här en nyhet för dig. Fitbit är på väg att lansera en ny app i höst för att komplettera hela Fitbit-familjen. Den har fått namnet Fitbit Coach och verkar vara en vidareutveckling av den tidigare Fitstar appen från Fitbit. Jag själv har använt Fitstar ett tag, bland annat för deras “7 min workout” och gillar upplägget med coacher på videosnuttar som visar tydligt rörelserna. Och så klart helt utbudet med olika träningsprogram.

Jag är lite osäker än på hur Fitbit Coach och Fitstar ska komplettera varandra, eller om det är så att Fitstar läggs ned inom 1-2 år. Beskrivning av Fitbit Coach känns väldigt snarlik Fitstar. Nedan är uppgifterna jag fått gällande Fitstar och Fitbit Coach.

Hi, Fitstar family –

When we started Fitstar more than five years ago, we wanted to create a simple and personalized way for anyone to get and stay in shape – no matter their level of expertise, location, or budget. It has been an incredibly challenging, fun, and rewarding road thus far. We’ve been humbled and inspired by the progress and successes that millions of Fitstars around the world – Fitstars like you – have achieved.

Through it all, our mission has been the same: we want to build products that inspire people to live healthier lives.

When we joined Fitbit in 2015, we were able to take our mission to the next level by continuing to evolve the experience. We brought Fitstar Personal Trainer to our loyal and lunge-loving Android crowd, we expanded our fluency and now encourage folks who speak French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish to #getmoving. We’ve also worked to make Fitstar more accessible to fitness-focused people who own Fitbit devices, putting Freestyle workouts directly on the Fitbit Blaze. And, earlier this year, we debuted Fitstar by Fitbit – an exercise experience that offers more customization, more moves, and more motivation than ever before.

You have stuck by us throughout this evolution, and we can’t thank you enough.

Today we’re excited to announce the next big step in our journey: Fitbit Coach.

This fall, we’re making strides to integrate more completely into the Fitbit experience with the launch of Fitbit Coach – coming soon to your mobile device and online. This app update delivers our signature dynamic, personalized fitness programs plus even more ways to work out and hit your goals. The same Freestyle workouts, customized routines, and muscle-building moves will be there – don’t worry, the app you love isn’t going away. Fitbit Coach will offer more exercises, more personalization, and the motivation you need to get and stay in shape. We’re especially excited to bring Run & Walk audio coaching from our team of professional trainers straight to your ears, as well as a more seamless integration into the Fitbit app.

We’ve been working hard on it, and we hope you love it. Stay tuned for more information, coming this fall.

Keep Moving,

Dave Grijalva & Mike Maser

Fitstar Co-Founders


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