World of ‘Tweeria’: like it or not, your Twitter feed is a massive role-playing game


Lästips hämtat från The Verge – All Posts.


Twitter is a battlefield. That retweet may look innocent now, but for at least one site, it’s a swinging broadsword. This is Tweeria, the self-proclaimed Lazy Twitter RPG. If you’ve got a Twitter account, you’re already playing it, whether you know it or not.

The result is a deranged mirror of Twitter, placing you in endless war with everyone you follow

Everything that happens on Tweeria starts with something that happened on Twitter — a retweet, for instance, or an @-reply back-and-forth — but in Tweeria, it gets translated to a battleaxe or a fireball. The program pulls data direct from Twitter’s API, creating a character for every account, and assigning health and strength stats based on number of tweets and follower count. If…

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